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Our projects are key in our vital objective to enhance biodiversity and engage the public in nature. Our latest projects can be seen below:

Urban Connect

This project is aimed to enhance our urban landscapes for biodiversity. Too many habitats within an urban landscape are being lost. This project aims to reverse the declines in urban wildlife and create corridors across the country.



E.F.B. stands for Enhancing Farms Biodiversity. This project aims to bring nature back to our farming landscape to benefit wildlife, whilst sustaining farming practices. With this project, we aim to work with the farming community for the benefit of wildlife.


Wild World

This project will look to reconnect humans to the local landscape through a number of safaris within the wild landscape. Different opportunities to engage will be available to all levels, from children through to adults.



This project looks to work with new development stakeholders to ensure that the scheme implemented is of the greatest benefit to biodiversity. This can be through wildlife corridors or managing designated wildlife areas to ensure their longevity and success.

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